On Fri, Sep 17, 2004 at 11:44:09AM +0200, James Mastros wrote:
> Patrick R. Michaud wrote:
> >On Tue, Sep 14, 2004 at 12:42:59PM -0700, Larry Wall wrote:
> >>I agree that the default should be the current outer language.
> >>I agree that the default ought to be overridable.
> >>I agree that the right way to do that is with something like "use PIR;"
> >>rather than inventing an inconsistent syntax.
> /me starts to make an observation that making it look like perl6 when 
> it's not is paramount to lying to our users, but decides to invoke rule 
> 1 in his mind.

Er, that's not what Larry said.   The "outer" language is Perl and
*it* specifies what to expect in the "inner" language. Thus, in the
Perl code there will be "use rx :deflang<<PIR>>" or "use PIR" or some
such, not in the closure.

> I'm assuming s/outer language/inner language/g in the following, as it 
> makes no sense otherwise...
> >What should the mechanism be for the rule parser to figure out where 
> >a closure begins and ends within a rule expression?  Does the rules
> >parser have to call the outer language compiler directly?  
> >If so, does this imply that the rules parser has to be running in 
> >Parrot to be able to call the outer language compiler, or is there a 
> >way to do this from C?
> It has to either be within Parrot or embed Parrot, as most of the 
> language compilers are written in PIR.

I don't know that this is necessarily true. The inner language just
has to generate a "closure" in some manner that the rules parser can
deal with.  Unless that's what you mean by "embed Parrot".

> >And does the outer language compiler have to have options that
> >allow the caller to say: "hey, here's some program code with perhaps 
> >a bunch of rule-syntax stuff appended to it, could you just give me 
> >back the first complete 'closure unit' and oh, by the way, tell me how 
> >many characters you used to do it or give me the left-over string so
> >I can continue parsing my stuff?"
> Not presently, but there should be.  (And there should be an extra, 
> optional, argument to the compile opcode to pass in options like this.)
> (The interface should probably be to consume the used portion of the S 
> register passed in.)

It's a good thing Larry gave us <cut> then ;-)

Jonathan Scott Duff

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