On Tue, 14 Dec 2004 16:14:32 +0100, H.Merijn Brand <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> On Tue 14 Dec 2004 16:04, "Clayton, Nik" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> wrote:
> > I've normally got enough going on in my head when writing code,
> > worrying about the house style should not be one of them.
> Wrong. It should be. You write, and someone else - or yourself - has
> to maintain the code later. This means that you have to write with
> style and maintainability in focus. All the time.

Part of the problem is that "coding style" mixes a bunch of unrelated
issues of varying importance.  I'm with Nik that I don't care overmuch
about how many spaces go around parens, whether curlys are cuddled or
uncuddled, or tab expansion idiosyncracies.

But there *are* issues of coding style that are of tremendous import,
and can add or reduce friction on a project, especially as it grows.
Things like line length, method length, naming conventions, file layout,
idiomatic usage[*], etc.

One example I've used in the past is from a project I worked on (in C)
where we were dealing with "real estate data numbers", commonly
abbreviated 'rednum'.  Except that they were also named, 'red', 'redno',
'rnum', 'red_num', 'red_no', 'r_num', and so on.  In both variables and
functions.  This was one of many sources of dissonance (and compiler
errors) on the project, and was a continual drag on team productivity.
Instead of just *knowing* what you needed, you often needed to grovel
through half a dozen source files to figure out what you *should* have

But we all used the same brace placement and indenting styles.  ;-)

> FWIW the style I use was decided upon back in the 80's when we (me and
>      6 others) had to do a huge software project at school and we did
>      discuss style before we started. The biggest argue was about the
>      length of the variable names to use.

This is where I think Uncle Bob is right -- the standards need to
evolve.  On this same project, there was a coding standard in place at
the onset, but it standardized trivialities.  Because we had a coding
standard, we never saw the bigger issues of naming conventions as
problems a coding standard could/should fix, so everyone improvised in
their own special way with the stuff that wasn't standardized.  At the
onset, though, a lot of issues we had to deal with were completely
unknown, since the project took three or four major course changes over
the years.


*: For example: design with closures and coderefs in mind, or with big
   modules with 17 optional features or 15 variations on the same
   method; are you intetionally using or avoiding map and grep?; what
   are the standard modules your project uses to write new classes?

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