On Sat, Sep 10, 2005 at 05:40:54PM +0200, Tels wrote:

> This is a mini-rant on how complex the tesing world for Perl modules has 
> become. It starts harmless, like you want to install some module. This 
> time it was CPAN-Depency.      
> Since for security reasons your Perl box is not connected to the net, you 
> fetch it and all dependencies from CPAN and transfer them via sneaker net 
> and USB stick.

I have found that the easiest way to do this by far is to use CPAN::Mini
and burn a local copy of CPAN to a CD.  You might even get away with
your USB stick if it is big enough - 512M might still be enough.  See

Do the same when you need to upgrade something.

I managed to install svk and a bunch of other stuff in this fashion
without problem.

Paul Johnson - [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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