
On Sunday 29 January 2006 12:27, Adam Kennedy wrote:
> As I mentioned early, the obvious upgrade path from EU:MM, (apparently
> if you don't care about 5.004 at least) is to Module::Install.
> For example...

> As far as I can tell, it does what you want.

Except for the little fact that you have to bundle Module::Install in all 
of your modules and need not to forget to add inc/* to MANIFEST - 
Graph::Easy::As_svg increases from 27K to 47K gzipped....

And if there is a problem with Module::Install, you have to update all 
your dists with the new version - solve one problem, create two new 
ones :)

I'll switch over to it anyway, probably.

Funny thing is that I knew that Module::Build was to replace EU::MM, but 
didn't know there was YetAnotherInstaller on the playing field :)

Best wishes,

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