David Golden <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> So back at the beginning of February, there was some email traffic about 
> how ActiveState's automated PPM build system was using an outdated 
> version of Scalar-List-Utils, which was causing a cascading prerequisite 
> failure for many distributions.
> Has anyone heard any updates on this?  Does anyone have an inside 
> contact at ActiveState that can shed some more light on the subject?

        The problem's bigger than that and has to do with ActiveState's QA
process, dual-life packages, and PPM. From what I gather a few solutions
have been proposed and the perl hackers at ActiveState are looking into it,
but they're a bit distracted right now by all the extra work that comes from
severing themselves from Sophos; moving offices, splitting up the IT
infrastructure, etc. After that, un-borking modules like Scalar::List::Utils
and Spiffy are a top priority.

        This is all just gossip; I work at Sophos and occasionally run into
an Activator on the patio, and I also have several modules who fail under
PPM but succeed elsewhere. Here's a weird one:


        That build seems to hang on the first ExtUtils::MakeMaker::prompt(),
even though ActiveStates "cpanrun" sets AUTOMATED_TESTING and


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