Hi Conrad,

I run the grant committee for the Perl Foundation and I sit on the steering 
committee, so I suppose I can discuss your proposal (there are some other TPF 
folk here, too, so that's why this is a public email).  Also, the following 
stuff is just off the top of my head and is in no way official.

For TPF to handle something like this, we'd have to have some agreement on what 
the specs are, who would judge whether or not a Wiki met the specs and what to 
do if there were timing concerns (if we get one Wiki before another even the 
the later one was sent first, who wins?)  Also, though I hate to be a 
spoilsport and bring this up, I'm really not sure what legal issues might be 
involved with running a contest, either.  Would that be considered a form of 
gambling and possibly be illegal?  I don't think so, but I'm not sure.

In any event, if you can come up with a solid set of contest rules, TPF can 
consider whether or not we can officially run the contest.  It sounds like a 
nice idea, I just don't know what's involved.

-- If this message is a response to a question on a mailing list, please send 
follow up questions to the list.
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----- Original Message ----
From: Conrad Schneiker <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: perl6-users@perl.org
Sent: Thursday, June 1, 2006 12:00:51 AM
Subject: RE: $1,000 prize for Perl 6 Wiki written in Perl 6

Does anyone out there have any phone numbers for key contacts at The
Perl Foundation that you could send to me off-list? So far, I've not
heard back from anyone there. TIA.

Best regards,
Conrad Schneiker

http://perl.net.au/wiki/Perl_6_Users_FAQ (Moved from AthenaLab to Perl
6 Wiki.)

www.AthenaLab.com (Nano-electron-beam and micro-neutron-beam
From: Conrad Schneiker [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Saturday, May 27, 2006 2:35 PM
> From: Conrad Schneiker [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Saturday, May 27, 2006 2:35 PM
> To: 'perl6-users@perl.org'
> Cc: '[EMAIL PROTECTED]'; 'Nathan Eady'; '[EMAIL PROTECTED]';
> Subject: $1,000 prize for Perl 6 Wiki written in Perl 6
> OK, Im sold on a Perl 6 Wiki written in Perl 6aka the (Perl 6)
> **2 Wiki.
> However, I want it now!
> So Im offering to post a $1,000 prize (The AthenaLab The 1st
> Extreme Leverage Prize for Perl 6), to be awarded to the person
> that delivers the first (Perl 6)**2 Wiki that meets some moderate
> specifications.
> Heres what I currently have in mind.
> The prize money would be held in escrow by The Perl Foundation
> (*IF* they are willing to handle this). The Perl Foundation would
> decide when a prize claimant had adequately realized the
> specifications. (Entries must be announced on perl.perl6.users.
> To facilitate collaboration, the designated winner may request
> that the prize be split up and distributed among up-to-10 cohorts
> or charities, with names and amounts to be publicly specified in
> advance on perl.perl6.users.)
> The specifications for the (Perl 6)**2 Wiki would be determined
> (and posted to perl.perl6.users) by @Larry (*IF* they are willing
> to handle this). One of the reasons for wanting @Larry to handle
> the specification for this prize is my presumption that they best
> know what is presently (or soon will be) reasonable to
> implement. Perl 6 means Pugs + Parrot for purposes of this prize.
> (However, if @Larry recommends s/Parrot/Perl5/ for now, thats
> also OK with me.) Practically usable minimalism and the (
> http://www.perldesignpatterns.com/?TinyWiki) approach of starting
> with the simplest (working) thing possible is fine. The aim is
> not to impress with world with the first implementation, but
> rather to initiate a self-sustaining chain reaction of
> improvement that will much later (a year from now) impress the
> world with the cumulative rate of progress.
> The license must be whatever the prevailing license was for the
> Pugs (Perl 6 core) svn source tree is at the time the prize is
> claimed. The source code would be added to the examples or
> cookbook section of the Pugs source tree. (Details to be
> determined by @Larry.)
> The contestant (or contestants) are encouraged to seek help and
> feedback on public forums. Just be up-front about it. Taking the
> initiative needed to deliver the result is what is being
> rewarded, not doing it on your own.
> The (Perl 6)**2 Wiki must be installed and demonstrated on
> Feather, Juerds Perl 6 development server (*IF* this is OK with
> him, and if he can arrange for www.perl6.nl to go to the new
> Wiki, *UNLESS* the Perl Foundation wants to host the main Wiki,
> in which case Feather would still be used for further Wiki
> prototyping and development.).
> Well need a volunteer to serve as the (Perl 6)**2 Wiki sysadmin,
> once it comes online. If no one else steps forward, Id volunteer
> to serve as the (Perl 6)**2 Wiki moderator for any (hopefully
> very rare) cases of content issues. (Id prefer that the Perl
> Foundation or Perl Mongers took responsibility for these things,
> but I dont want to ask for too much at the outset. To minimize
> disputes and churning, I suspect the eventually-high-demand home
> page should be restricted to moderator-only updating.)
> Best regards,
> Conrad Schneiker
> www.athenalab.com/Perl_6_Users_FAQ.htm
> www.AthenaLab.com (Nano-electron-beam technology.)

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