On 7/3/06, Ovid <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Currently, the way that Test::Harness::TAP reads, I should properly discard 
anything which is not a plan, test or diagnostic output.  However, test failure 
output and programmer supplied diagnostic output need to be disambiguated or 
diagnostic information is unreliable.

Diagnostic information *is* unreliable in TAP.  There is no way in TAP
to provide structured diagnostics.  None.  Zero.  All you have is
unparsable diagnostics (comments).  There is *no format* to those
diagnostics.  What Test::Builder is outputting is *not reliable*.  Do
not parse it.

A diagnostic format is something which needs to be added to TAP, but
nothing currently exists (we tossed around some ideas at YAPC).  Do
not let this stop you from writing a formal TAP grammar.  You can go
ahead and spec it out as it currently stands.  Writing a TAP
diagnostic format is orthoganal to writing a grammar for the current
version of TAP.

Also, it's ambiguous from the documentation whether or not whitespace is 
allowed before the qr/(?:not )ok.*\n/.  I think it's implied that no leading 
whitespace is allowed but that could be incorrect.

Test::Harness does not allow a leading space.  There's no reason to start.

Also, regarding directives, the POD shows both "# skip" and "# SKIP".  I assume 
only the latter was intended, but I bet that will break things.

Test::Harness handles directives case insensitively.  I don't see any
particular reason to stop.

Also, with discussion of upgrades to TAP in the future, unless there's a 
guarantee that all upgrades will be backwards compatible to the current 
implementation, we need version numbers in the output.  Again, I've not heard 
any response to this.

We discussed this at YAPC and all agreed: the first extension to TAP
should be putting a version number into TAP.  About the only other
thing we agreed on is that the version should be a simple integer.  So
the format is open.

Since anything not understood is ignored (and I'm liking that feature)
we don't have to worry much about backwards compatibility.  So
probably something as simple as...

TAP Version 2
ok 1
ok 2

though I'm sure there's plenty of proposals floating around out there.

More that one person has expressed interest in a TAP::Parser and all we need is for those 
officially supporting/maintaining TAP to say "make it so".

What community do you program for?  Just do it, man.  Get approval /
fix it later.

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