In a message dated Mon, 4 Sep 2006, Steffen Schwigon writes:
First you could try an older revision, I recommend r7845 or r10822 of
pugs repository.

No, neither of those work. To see what I'm talking about, just create a file containing:

use v6-alpha;

class Point {
    has $.x;
    has $.y;

and try creating more code under the "has $.y" line, and notice that indenting and highlighting after that point don't work because emacs thinks it's in the middle of a y///.

Second, there are known issues with two, hm, how to say?, "different
highlighting models" that seem to rival each other. Bind a key to
re-fontify and see what happens. In my emacs config I use

 (global-set-key [f3] 'font-lock-fontify-buffer)

and pressing f3 corrects the wrong highlighting. I don't know why
that's the case. Dark Ages are calling.

No, that doesn't help either, at any of rHEAD|r10822|r7845.

*Maybe* a clear fork away from the original cperl-mode would make
sense. We could refactor with the help of other lisp coders and throw
away backwards compatibility issues we don't know about. But it's a
very big "maybe". Having one mode for all perl versions and for both
major Emacs variants with high backwards compatibility is a big plus
and there is much knowledge in original cperl-mode that progresses
itself, even as we speak. Currently I wouldn't fork it.

Well, a fork for cperl6-mode wouldn't be the worst thing... at least then it would be possible to have working syntax highlighting and indention for Perl 6. Right now I'm reduced to either turning off cperl-mode or choosing my attribute names based on what Emacs can deal with, both of which are maddening.

BTW, I work with XEmacs 21.4.7.
What's your Emacs?

XEmacs 21.4.14 and Emacs (Aquamacs). Both show the same behavior in this case.


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