Allison Randal wrote:
Nicholas Clark wrote:

I guess that the most obvious current thing that ties Parrot to the Perl
community is that Parrot requires a copy of Perl to bootstrap, and all the
build tools are written in Perl 5.
This is slated to change before the 1.0 release.
I guess that doing so will involve re-writing a lot of the current Configure system and build tools into something that compiles down to PBC (and then just ship something very basic that can run a PBC). I don't think PIR is the thing to translate them to though - Configure and the build tools are fairly big things. You don't want to be doing that in an intermediate language. Well, I sure don't anyway, and I'm sure I'm not alone in feeling this way.

One option would be a HLL that maps very closely down to the features of Parrot, but really is a high level language. I say maps down closely because then you don't have to worry about matching the semantics of some existing language, making it somewhat simpler to Get Done.

Another option is for any of the HLLs in languages/ to get to the stage where we can port Configure to them. OK, well, not BF. ;-) But then you have the advantage of it being a language that some people already know. Of course, we may run into the fun of "we should do it in X because it's my favorite language" kinda things, if we have multiple Parrot-targeting HLLs in shape by then. Though the simple answer to that is to make a decision and tell people to put up with it. :-)

IMHO, etc.


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