This thread and RT ticket (41168) have been under way since Jan 03 2007
and I'm afraid that the discussion is collapsing under its own weight. 
May I make an attempt at summarizing the issues?  Let's proceed from the
outermost inwards.

1.  Should the Parrot configuration process come to a halt if any one
configuration step fails?

Right now, Parrot::Configure::runsteps() works as a harness:  If one
step fails, it goes on to the next step.

2.  Even if the failure of a configuration step typically does not stop
configuration dead in its tracks, are there some configuration steps
which are more important than others (e.g., inter::progs, with respect
to its test for the presence of a C-compiler) which ought to stop
configuration cold if they fail?

3.  Let's assume that we grant inter::progs more importance than other
configuration steps.  How should the absence of a working C-compiler be
detected and reported?

4.  There are several Parrot::Configure::Step methods such as cc_gen(),
cc_build() and cc_run().  Since these methods are essentially wrappers
around system calls to C programs, how should failures in those
underlying C programs be reported and passed through the configuration
process?  (Error codes?  Messages?)

5.  The command-line options do not have a consistent
design.  How should they be changed -- or should they be?  (Allison has
noted that this has already been discussed in a separate thread.  That
thread is, open
since Apr 10, and that's where further discussion of this issue should
take place.)

Items 1 and 2 above imply an approach to configuration considerably
different from the one we now follow -- differences which, I suspect,
would entail the revision of a Parrot Design Document.  If someone
thinks we should have that discussion, that someone should open up a
separate ticket to track that discussion.

Let's skip over item 3 for a moment.  Since the Parrot::Configure::Step
methods mentioned in item 4 are used in many of the configuration steps,
improving them would have wide benefits.  I myself am not sure exactly
how they should be improved, but I would recommend opening up a separate
RT ticket for each of those methods as needed.

Back to item 3.  We never did resolve the question of detection of a
working C-compiler.  IMO, that's the question that we should continue to
discuss in RT -- and the only issue that should continue to be discussed
in this particular RT.  And if we think that our current method of
detecting a C-compiler is, if not perfect, good enough for the present,
then I would recommend that Paul close the ticket.

If you want to discuss the other issues mentioned above, I would
recommend either going to the RTs already open or opening a new one.

Thank you very much.

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