On Sun Feb 24 19:44:02 2008, coke wrote:

> <SNIP>
> All tests successful.
> Files=261, Tests=3095, 84 wallclock secs ( 1.27 usr  1.69 sys + 25.98
> cusr 13.99 csys =
> 42.93 CPU)
> Result: PASS
> <normal config output>
> All tests successful.
> Files=42, Tests=1149, 31 wallclock secs ( 0.31 usr  0.22 sys + 21.59
> cusr  2.84 csys = 24.96
> CPU)
> Result: PASS
> The tests seem to pass. Regards.

Thanks.  BTW, which are the 42 test files you run for <normal config

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