On Mon Feb 25 18:56:44 2008, doughera wrote:
> Yes.  Exactly.  I have been arguing that point for years.  Every step
> can involve triggers, or callbacks, which can invoke arbitrary code
> and even change the results of preceeding steps.  It is very much
> history-dependent.  I think the best disk cache of such information is
> lib/Parrot/Config/Generated.pm, because only that file represents the
> best guess of a successful configuration.  

The problem with lib/Parrot/Config/Generated.pm is that it's not
available pre-configuration, only post-.  But since it is essentially a
dump of the final state of the most important parts of the
Parrot::Configure object, it's probably close to the final state of the
Parrot::Configure::Parallel object as recorded in the Storable file.  
Which suggests we can get snapshots at the end of each of the non-final
config steps and make use of that data during testing.

> At the
> moment, it has the same problem as the previous design -- it's failing
> to honor my command line arguments.  Whether that will be easier to
> fix in this design or not, I don't know.  

It should be.  In the previous design, there was no way to get your
command-line arguments through to the individual test files.  'prove'
(and the code in Test::Harness underlying it) didn't have that
capability.  Now with App::Prove (to which I'm switching, to avoid a
system call to 'prove') lets us do that.

> I can only observe that every layer of complexity is making it *harder*
> to debug failing tests.  Having a binary hidden cache file only adds
> another layer of complexity.  It's important to remember that 
> when Configure (or its tests) fails, it is usually on someone else's
> machine where you don't have access and where getting reliable feedback
> to fix the problem entails mailing back and forth with a (possibly
> inexperienced and probably busy) user who might not be willing or able
> to peel back layer after layer of complexity to help solve the problem.

Agreed.  But since Configure.pl itself is very stable these days, most
users won't have to bother with the '--test' option.  Just as with other
non-'make-test' tests (e.g., make manifest_tests, make
buildtools_tests), they'll be things that people will be advised to run
if they're hacking in certain areas of the distribution, and that we'll
have to run pre-release -- but not on an every day basis.


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