On Thu, Mar 13, 2008 at 5:46 AM, Simon Cozens <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Simon Cozens wrote:
>  >     I think I've finished doing what I can with
>  > docs/pdds/draft/pdd28_character_sets.pod for the time being.
>  >     Please have a look at it, and let me know if there's anything wrong,
>  > anything unclear, anything missing or anything objectionable about it
>  Warnock Warnock Warnock. Can I get a witness, even if it's "Looks good
>  but I don't understand it" or "Good luck, pal, but who do you think's
>  going to implement it?"?
>  --
>  <Twofish> Pokemon seems an evil concept. Kid hunts animals, and takes
>  them from the wild into captivity, where he trains them to fight, and
>  then fights them to the death against other people's pokemon. Doesn't
>  this remind you of say, cock fighting?

I am still trying to digest it, here are some questions on top of James's.

- Which language targeting parrot requires graphemes? You say, "A
grapheme is our concept.", but then say, "Parrot must support
languages which manipulate strings grapheme-by-grapheme" ... but if
it's our own concept, surely there aren't any languages that can be
forcing us to require it.
- Can we get some discussion of the scope of the grapheme table
entries? Is this for a single running instance of parrot? How can
multiple running copies of parrot share strings if they have different
grapheme table entries? How does this impact bytecode generation?
freeze/thaw? What happens when someone constructs a string that blows
the table size?
- Instead of saying "This PDD assumes for the moment that the current
string functions will on the whole be maintained", I would much rather
see the the current API included in the document and reviewed as part
of the design. (Or point to another PDD that contains this API)
- In the same vein, I would also be curious to see a gap analysis (not
as part of this document); what is the scope of change to meet the
goals in the PDD?

I may have more questions in the coming days.

Thanks for tackling this, Simon.
Will "Coke" Coleda

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