On Sun Mar 16 05:00:30 2008, bernhard wrote:

> I'm reopening this ticket, as there are still external Perl 5 modules
> in lib/Digest, lib/File, lib/IO, lib/Pod.
> The Perl::Critic policies in lib/Perl/Critic/Policy seem to be
> Parrot-specific.


I understood the point of the ticket to be to get rid of those Perl 5
modules which were part of the Perl 5 core distribution (at least as of
our minimum required version, 5.8.0).  So those modules that I
eliminated -- e.g., Test::Builder, Test::More, Class::Struct -- were
those that anyone with a typical Perl 5.8 would already have.

Those that remain -- e.g., File::Which, IO::CaptureOutput -- are
*non-core*.  They are generally small enough that we include them in the
Parrot distribution as a convenience to our users.

If my understanding is correct, then we can re-close the ticket.

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