On Sat, Jan 1, 2011 at 1:26 AM, Chas. Owens <chas.ow...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On Wed, Dec 29, 2010 at 21:39, Xue, Brian <brian....@amd.com> wrote:
>> I want to adding one more answer about what are people waiting for before 
>> they
>> start using Perl 6.
>> There hasn't an official release of PERL6.0, just Rakudo. I'm afraid of 
>> Rakudo is cancelled, I don't want to make my product based on an uncertainty 
>> matter.
> snip
> This shows a fundamental misunderstanding of what Perl 6 is.  As far
> as I know there will never be a release of Perl 6.0 (it definitely
> won't be PERL6.0).  Perl 6 is a specification and a set of tests.  Any
> program that can pass the test suite and conforms to the specification
> IS a Perl 6.  Right now the program that passes the most tests and
> conforms most closely to the specification is Rakudo.

But Xue still has a valid point that even the Perl 6 spec doesn't exist yet.

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