Dan Sugalski wrote:

> >
> >Oh, and then they will be unloaded if we need the space for something
> >else.  I understand now, thanks.
> Well, probably not, though that could be reasonable for a particular
> platform. It's only relevant for a persistent interpreter anyway--for ones
> fired up fresh it doesn't matter, since they won't have anything loaded to
> start.

Still, if there was some networking code at the beginning but only the
beginning, and othe code later, explicitly marking the now-unreachable
code as recyclable could be a win, if it isn't much trouble.  But that's
what LRU paging does anyway -- what platfoms are we talking about, that
don't have LRU paging?

                          David Nicol 816.235.1187 [EMAIL PROTECTED]
           Subroutine one-arg, him called no-arg, get $_-arg.  Ug.

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