Chaim Frenkel <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
>>>>>> "JH" == Jarkko Hietaniemi <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
>JH> Multithreaded programming is hard and for a given program the only
>JH> person truly knowing how to keep the data consistent and threads not
>JH> strangling each other is the programmer.  Perl shouldn't try to be too
>JH> helpful and get in the way.  Just give user the bare minimum, the
>JH> basic synchronization primitives, and plenty of advice.
>The problem I have with this plan, is reconciling the fact that a
>database update does all of this and more. And how to do it is a known
>problem, its been developed over and over again.

Yes - by the PROGRAMMER that does the database access code - that is far higher
level than typical perl code. 

If all your data lives in database and you are prepared to lock database
while you get/set them. 

Sure we can apply that logic to making statememts coherent in perl:

while (1)
  lock PERL_LOCK; 
  unlock PERL_LOCK;

So ONLY 1 thread is ever _in_ perl at a time - easy!
But now _by constraint_ a threaded perl program can NEVER be a performance

The reason this isn't a pain for databases is they have other things
to do while they wait ...

Nick Ing-Simmons <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Via, but not speaking for: Texas Instruments Ltd.

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