On Wed, Sep 27, 2000 at 04:24:05AM -0400, Uri Guttman wrote:
> well, my question then is how does solaris do it? it can't be done with
> user level libs alone. what system calls does it use? undocumented ones
> perhaps with the libs as the public api?

> i finally found how solaris does its AIO under the libs. there is a
> system call kaio which supports them. but there is no docs on the kaio
> call itself that i can find. so it is like i guessed, an undocumented
> syscall with user libs over it. but it definitely is kernel aio without
> threads.

I don't have Solaris here, so I can't try this
The alternative approach to figuring out what is happening is to write
a program with AIO, and see what it looks like under truss.
truss is your friend :-)
Hmm. But solaris doesn't ship with a compiler, does it?

Nicholas Clark

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