I've only had one reply to this so far - anyone else want to
approve or disapprove?

NB - I'm kind of offering to do the patching of paths required if this
move goes ahead, but obviously I can't do the moving on the CVS server


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Date: Sun, 3 Feb 2002 23:24:16 GMT
Subject: Parrot directory structure


I've been thinking about the directory structure of Parrot.
Currently, the top-level dir is a bit of mess, with zillions of
files of various flavours. It is my contention that apart from
a few expected files such as README, MANIFEST, Configure.pl etc,
everything else should be in subdirs.

I have some provisional suggestions for this below.

First however, I want to clarify the packaging of parrot vs perl6, because
this will affect the depth of directory hieriarchy needed.

I can see 3 main possibilites:

1. Perl 6 and Parrot come as essentially two separate packages, with their
own config scripts etc.

this suggests two separate tarballs

2. They share config, but are separate otherwise

this suggests a single tarball with just config/, perl6/, parrot/ subdirs

3. They are completely intermixed, sharing some src files, pre-processing
scripts, etc etc.

again, a single tarball, but with lots of top-level subdirs

For the moment, I've assumed (1); some of the suggested directory
names below may need parrot/ prepending to them if (2) or (3) is the

Anyway, here's how I suggest files should be moved around to make
a more rational directory hierarchy. This will involve quite a bit
of hacking of paths in makefiles, scripts etc; but if we're going
to do it at all, then the sooner the better.



original file           renamed to
-------------           ----------

# parrot/ holds general src code for parrot

*.[ch]                  parrot/*.[ch]

# config/ holds files associated with the configuration process

Config_pm.in            config/Config_pm.in
Makefile.in             config/Makefile.in 
Types_pm.in             config/Types_pm.in 
config_h.in             config/config_h.in
test_c.in               config/test_c.in
test_gnuc.c             config/test_gnuc.c
testparrotfuncptr.c     config/testparrotfuncptr.c
test_parrot_sizes.c     config/test_parrot_sizes.c

# all per-platform files (README, hints, header.[ch],
# are collected together in the single directory OS//

README.OS_X             OS/macos_x/README

hints/cygwin.pl         OS/cygwin/hints.pl
hints/darwin.pl         OS/darwin/hints.pl
hints/mswin32.pl        OS/mswin32/hints.pl
hints/os2.pl            OS/os2/hints.pl
hints/vms.pl            OS/vms/hints.pl

platforms/win32.h       OS/win32/platform.h
platforms/win32.c       OS/win32/platform.c
platforms/generic.h     OS/generic/platform.h
platforms/generic.c     OS/generic/platform.c

# bin/ holds executables for 'end-user' use

assemble.pl             bin/assemble.pl
disassemble.pl          bin/disassemble.pl
optimizer.pl            bin/optimizer.pl

# ops/ holds *.ops files

core.ops                ops/core.ops
io.ops                  ops/io.ops
obscure.ops             ops/obscure.ops
rx.ops                  ops/rx.ops

# better here ?

vtable.tbl              classes/vtable.tbl

# scripts/ holds scripts used during the build process, eg
# to pre-process .c files etc

jit2h.pl                scripts/jit2h.pl
make.pl                 scripts/make.pl
make_vtable_ops.pl      scripts/make_vtable_ops.pl
manicheck.pl            scripts/manicheck.pl
ops2c.pl                scripts/ops2c.pl
ops2pm.pl               scripts/ops2pm.pl
pmc_pm.pl               scripts/pmc_pm.pl
vtable_h.pl             scripts/vtable_h.pl

# for consistency these two should be moved too:

classes/genclass.pl     scripts/genclass.pl
classes/pmc2c.pl        scripts/pmc2c.pl

# tmp/

this should be an intially empty directory; build scripts that ned
to create transient files should try to put them here where possible

# pdd/

all the PDDs really should come under control of CVS.

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