Simon Cozens <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Melvin Smith:
> > I agree with your config/ dir suggestion, but I'm not sure about
> > moving everything else down into perl6/parrot subdirectory,
> Me neither. I don't see much point in it.

I'm trying to nip the following in the bud, which is daunting for someone
trying to work out what's what for the first time.

ls perl-current/

AUTHORS         README.netware  epoc            op.c            regcomp.sym
Artistic        README.os2      ext             op.h            regexec.c
Changes         README.os390    fakesdio.h      opcode.h        regexp.h
Changes5.000    README.plan9    fakethr.h       regnodes.h
Changes5.001    README.qnx      form.h          opnames.h       run.c
Changes5.002    README.solaris  global.sym      os2             scope.c
Changes5.003    README.threads  globals.c       patchlevel.h    scope.h
Changes5.004    README.tru64    globvar.sym     perl.c          sharedsv.c
Changes5.005    README.uts      gv.c            perl.h          sharedsv.h
Changes5.6      README.vmesa    gv.h            perlapi.c       sv.c
Configure       README.vms      h2pl            perlapi.h       sv.h
Copying         README.vos      handy.h         perlio.c        t
Cross           README.win32    hints           perlio.h        taint.c
EXTERN.h        Todo.micro      hv.c            perlio.sym      thrdvar.h
INSTALL         XSUB.h          hv.h            perliol.h       thread.h
INTERN.h        apollo          installhtml     perlsdio.h      toke.c
MANIFEST      installman      perlsfio.h      uconfig.h
Makefile.SH     av.c            installperl     perlsh
Makefile.micro  av.h            intrpvar.h      perlvars.h      universal.c
NetWare         beos            iperlsys.h      perly.c         unixish.h
Policy_sh.SH     jpl             perly.fixer     utf8.c
Porting         cc_runtime.h    keywords.h      perly.h         utf8.h
README          cflags.SH     perly.y         utfebcdic.h
README.Y2K      config_h.SH     lib             perly_c.diff    util.c
README.aix      configpm        locale.c    util.h
README.amiga   macos           plan9           utils
README.apollo   configure.gnu   makeaperl.SH    pod             utils.lst
README.beos     cop.h       pp.c            uts
README.bs2000   cv.h            makedepend.SH   pp.h            vmesa
README.ce       cygwin          makedir.SH      pp.sym          vms
README.cygwin   deb.c           malloc.c        pp_ctl.c        vos
README.dgux     djgpp           mg.c            pp_hot.c        warnings.h
README.dos      doio.c          mg.h            pp_pack.c
README.epoc     doop.c      pp_proto.h      win32
README.hpux     dosish.h        miniperlmain.c  pp_sort.c       wince
README.hurd     dump.c          mint            pp_sys.c        writemain.SH
README.machten  emacs           mpeix           proto.h         x2p
README.macos    embed.fnc       mv-if-diff      qnx             xsutils.c
README.micro    embed.h         myconfig.SH     regcomp.c        nostdio.h       regcomp.h
README.mpeix    embedvar.h      numeric.c

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