On Sun, Feb 18, 2001 at 04:45:46AM +0000, Simon Cozens wrote:
> On Sat, Feb 17, 2001 at 05:00:51PM -0800, Peter Scott wrote:
> > Simon Cozens submitted a patch which failed the test
> ...and MJD and Jarkko and I worked on it and we put together something
> which was OK.

Both Simon's and Peter's patches...

Fail mjd's (revised) test suite.

Fortunately, its the test suite that's wrong! :)  Doncha love a happy

Here's the code patch against bleedperl along with a revised version
of mjd's suite.  The revision of the test isn't quite complete.  What
should really be done to prevent future mis-failures is compare
PERL5OPT switches vs those on the command line.  Something like:

  PERL5OPT='-Mstrict -w' ./perl -e 'print $::x'
  ./perl -Mstrict -w -e 'print $::x'

The proper way to write the test is to make sure both do the same thing.
But this is good enough for now.

--- t/run/runenv.t      2001/02/18 05:58:06     1.1
+++ t/run/runenv.t      2001/02/18 06:09:10
@@ -0,0 +1,137 @@
+# Tests for Perl run-time environment variable settings
+# $PERL5OPT, $PERL5LIB, etc.
+    chdir 't' if -d 't';
+    @INC = '../lib';
+my $STDOUT = './results-0';
+my $STDERR = './results-1';
+my $PERL = './perl';
+my $FAILURE_CODE = 119;
+print "1..9\n";
+# Run perl with specified environment and arguments returns a list.
+# First element is true iff Perl's stdout and stderr match the
+# supplied $stdout and $stderr argument strings exactly.
+# second element is an explanation of the failure
+sub runperl {
+  local *F;
+  my ($env, $args, $stdout, $stderr) = @_;
+  unshift @$args, '-I../lib';
+  $stdout = '' unless defined $stdout;
+  $stderr = '' unless defined $stderr;
+  my $pid = fork;
+  return (0, "Couldn't fork: $!") unless defined $pid;   # failure
+  if ($pid) {                   # parent
+    my ($actual_stdout, $actual_stderr);
+    wait;
+    return (0, "Failure in child.\n") if ($?>>8) == $FAILURE_CODE;
+    open F, "< $STDOUT" or return (0, "Couldn't read $STDOUT file");
+    { local $/; $actual_stdout = <F> }
+    open F, "< $STDERR" or return (0, "Couldn't read $STDERR file");
+    { local $/; $actual_stderr = <F> }
+    if ($actual_stdout ne $stdout) {
+      return (0, "Stdout mismatch: expected [$stdout], saw [$actual_stdout]");
+    } elsif ($actual_stderr ne $stderr) {
+      return (0, "Stderr mismatch: expected [$stderr], saw [$actual_stderr]");
+    } else {
+      return 1;                 # success
+    }
+  } else {                      # child
+    for my $k (keys %$env) {
+      $ENV{$k} = $env->{$k};
+    }
+    open STDOUT, "> $STDOUT" or exit $FAILURE_CODE;
+    open STDERR, "> $STDERR" or it_didnt_work();
+    { exec $PERL, @$args }
+    it_didnt_work();
+  }
+sub it_didnt_work {
+    exit $FAILURE_CODE;
+sub try {
+  my $testno = shift;
+  my ($success, $reason) = runperl(@_);
+  if ($success) {
+    print "ok $testno\n";
+  } else {
+    $reason =~ s/\n/\\n/g;
+    print "not ok $testno # $reason\n";    
+  }
+#  PERL5OPT    Command-line options (switches).  Switches in
+#                    this variable are taken as if they were on
+#                    every Perl command line.  Only the -[DIMUdmw]
+#                    switches are allowed.  When running taint
+#                    checks (because the program was running setuid
+#                    or setgid, or the -T switch was used), this
+#                    variable is ignored.  If PERL5OPT begins with
+#                    -T, tainting will be enabled, and any
+#                    subsequent options ignored.
+my  $T = 1;
+try($T++, {PERL5OPT => '-w'}, ['-e', 'print $::x'],
+    "", 
+    qq{Name "main::x" used only once: possible typo at -e line 1.\nUse of 
+uninitialized value in print at -e line 1.\n});
+try($T++, {PERL5OPT => '-Mstrict'}, ['-e', 'print $::x'],
+    "", "");
+try($T++, {PERL5OPT => '-Mstrict'}, ['-e', 'print $x'],
+    "", 
+    qq{Global symbol "\$x" requires explicit package name at -e line 1.\nExecution of 
+-e aborted due to compilation errors.\n});
+# Fails in 5.6.0
+try($T++, {PERL5OPT => '-Mstrict -w'}, ['-e', 'print $x'],
+    "", 
+    qq{Global symbol "\$x" requires explicit package name at -e line 1.\nExecution of 
+-e aborted due to compilation errors.\n});
+# Fails in 5.6.0
+try($T++, {PERL5OPT => '-w -Mstrict'}, ['-e', 'print $::x'],
+    "", 
+    <<ERROR
+Name "main::x" used only once: possible typo at -e line 1.
+Use of uninitialized value in print at -e line 1.
+    );
+# Fails in 5.6.0
+try($T++, {PERL5OPT => '-w -Mstrict'}, ['-e', 'print $::x'],
+    "", 
+    <<ERROR
+Name "main::x" used only once: possible typo at -e line 1.
+Use of uninitialized value in print at -e line 1.
+    );
+try($T++, {PERL5OPT => '-MExporter'}, ['-e0'],
+    "", 
+    "");
+# Fails in 5.6.0
+try($T++, {PERL5OPT => '-MExporter -MExporter'}, ['-e0'],
+    "", 
+    "");
+try($T++, {PERL5OPT => '-Mstrict -Mwarnings'}, 
+    ['-e', 'print "ok" if $INC{"strict.pm"} and $INC{"warnings.pm"}'],
+    "ok",
+    "");
+print "# ", $T-1, " tests total.\n";
--- MANIFEST    2001/02/18 03:28:09     1.2
+++ MANIFEST    2001/02/18 06:00:15
@@ -1715,6 +1715,7 @@
 t/pragma/warn/utf8     Tests for utf8.c for warnings.t
 t/pragma/warn/util     Tests for util.c for warnings.t
 t/pragma/warnings.t    See if warning controls work
+t/run/runenv.t         Test if perl honors its environment variables.
 taint.c                        Tainting code
 thrdvar.h              Per-thread variables
 thread.h               Threading header
--- perl.c      2001/02/18 05:32:53     1.1
+++ perl.c      2001/02/18 05:43:51
@@ -1173,6 +1173,7 @@
            PL_tainting = TRUE;
        else {
            while (s && *s) {
+               char *d;
                while (isSPACE(*s))
                if (*s == '-') {
@@ -1180,11 +1181,18 @@
                    if (isSPACE(*s))
+               d = s;
                if (!*s)
                if (!strchr("DIMUdmw", *s))
                    Perl_croak(aTHX_ "Illegal switch in PERL5OPT: -%c", *s);
-               s = moreswitches(s);
+               while (++s && *s) {
+                   if (isSPACE(*s)) {
+                       *s++ = '\0';
+                       break;
+                   }
+               }
+               moreswitches(d);

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