Tom Christiansen wrote:
> >Except that you can test for failure by checking to see if $fh is defined.
> Let your true be true and your false be false.
>     open($fh, "<", $filename) || die;
> --tom

Not sure I agree with that.  I think one point of confusion / perceived
difference between filehandles, open(), and basically every other
builtin is that all the others *return* what you want.  For ex, you call
grep as:

   (@results) = grep /^$/, @file;

It would be pretty strange to call it as:

   grep @results, /^$/, @file;

But that's just what open() does!  It says "put the handle variable you
want to modify here, and I'll screw with its value if I can open this
file".  I'd rather it be more consistent, instead saying "give me the
file you want to open, and I'll return a handle or undef".  This seems
more Perl-consistent to me:

   @results = grep /^$/, @file;
   ($first) = split ':', $line;
   $handle  = open $filename;
   $object  = new Class;

Since we're ripping Perl 6 apart, and one thing I've heard widely
mentioned is internal consistency, this seems to me to be worth
considering.  Not sure if it's RFC-worthy in its own right or not, but I
can see many benefits from this approach.  Unless I'm missing something,
I don't see the benefit of a "strictly true" return code, unless you're
doing something like this:

   die unless (open($fh, "<$filename") == 1);

In which case egads!


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