On Thu, Aug 03, 2000 at 02:13:20PM -0400, Michael Mathews wrote:
> Jonathan Scott Duff said
> > BTW, I propose that RFCs have a Status: field as part of the VERSION.
> > Here are some possible values that I can see:
> > Status: accepted     # we all agree that it should go in
> > Status: rejected     # we all agree that it shouldn't go in
> > Status: tabled       # shelved, put away for now
> okay, but I think my question still stands: how shall I, as an RFC
> Maintainer (or is that someone else?) determine what that status is? Shall
> we all vote? Who shall vote? Shall I decide based on who wrote the most
> passionate response (make it an essay contest)??
> Personally I don't want anything to do with judging the "status" of this
> RFC, beyond my one voice. I do accept responsibility for compiling some
> organized record of the responses I've received, but who shall decide
> (before Larry decides)?

Well, maybe we don't decide.  If you (as RFC maintainer) can glean
a rough consensus from the crowd, then great!  Otherwise, just put
a summary of all of the arguments in the RFC and let Larry decide.
(these would have a status of "unresolved", maybe that should be the

Jonathan Scott Duff

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