On Tue, 8 Aug 2000 13:30:22 +1000 (EST), Damian Conway wrote:

>   > As for the regexp issue, just to clarify there's only one ambiguous case
>   > we need to work out that I can see:
>   > 
>   >    /.*^foo/;   # ok
>But:   /.*^foo/m;  #ambiguous

Hold it. What does this mean? Is the whole regex gonna be turned into an
anonymous sub, or what?

I find this whole  "higher order function" thing nothing but butt ugly.
Perl already has anonymous subs, which look far less confusing. If you
want shorter syntax for "sub { ... }" and for $_[1] etc, I can
understand that. But please please please do not make this thing look
like an ordinary expression, when it is anything but!

Obfuscation at its worst.


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