On Wed, Sep 20, 2000 at 08:30:44AM -0700, Nathan Wiger wrote:
> This is just as dangerous as having a pragma like so:
>    use 'zeroistrue';
>    $num = 0;
>    print "Got data" if ( ! $num );
> Where the above would print out "Got data" normally, but not under
> the pragma.

Yep, this is bad IMHO.  Your concern is valid I think, but your
"solution" isn't a good one.  Why not just use a module like Damian's
Quantum::Superpositions?  (i.e. create a Null object that propigates
the unknowability of the value through operations)  If it's part of
the standard distribution, then those that want null in perl can have
it and we don't have to live with Yet Another Keyword.

Jonathan Scott Duff

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