>>>>> "JSD" == Jonathan Scott Duff <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

  >> I'll revise the RFC to add 'readable()', 'writable()', and such
  >> synonyms for -r and -w that are more like 'use english' and less like
  >> 'use English'.

i have a minor problem with the names readable and writeable. i am
currently using them as method names in a major project i have
created. they are callbacks (see my recent callback rfc) which mean the
socket is readable/writeable. maybe put some sort of prefix on them to
designate them as file test operators so we don't clutter up the
namespace so much. also the common prefix will make it clear tha tthey
are part of the family of file test ops.

here are some ideas which you can shoot down:

a minus prefix like the current -r


or has_ as the file has read permission:


or is_ if the file is a text file:


also you have to differentiate -R from -r.


and then names for -M/A/C don't work with is/has:


i don't mind having the longer names as an option, but it should be a
pragma/module and the namespace has to be clean.


Uri Guttman  ---------  [EMAIL PROTECTED]  ----------  http://www.sysarch.com
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