On Mon, 11 Jun 2001, Daniel S. Wilkerson wrote:

>  For example, the
> "going back in time and preventing your grandparents from having sex"
> situation.

        Bah, who needs sex these days?  A little in vitro here, a little
cloning with genetic tweaking there...a whole new person, no sex involved!

        [freeze some eggs, then]
        Whenever you wish
        You thaw them out to romance wigglies 
        In a Petrie Dish
        Then plant the little goober in a girl of seventeen
        Who's into natural living 
        And prevention magazine
        No fuss, no muss, no stretch marks
        (Well not on *you*)
        Maternal instinct satisfied
        The modern thing to do.
                --Christine Lavin, "Biological Time Bomb"

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