Miko O'Sullivan wrote:
> Just checking here: is PRE_LAST a separate and non-mutually exclusive
> concept from LAST?  I.e., would this make sense:
>    foreach @arr -> $i {
>       PRE_LAST {print "before last loop\n"}
>       LAST {print "after last loop\n"}
>       print "$i\n";
>    }
> If so, wouldn't look-aheads still result in chaos and 
> confusion for tied arrays?

Under the hypothetical PRE_LAST block, I'd expect your code to
make sense.

It it too much to ask, of the creator of a tied array, to implement
their code in such a way that *reading* an element of that array
does not have significant side-effects?

If one is doing object oriented programming, then the concept
of substitutability requires that I can use a subclass anywhere
that I can use the base class. When I use an array, I expect
to be able to read elements from it, at random, without
breaking it. If a tied array does not permit me to read
its elements without worrying about hideous side effects,
then it is not an array.

> If not, then I'd definitely disagree: to me, for's and 
> while's are just different flavors of "loop" and should
> behave the same in every way possible.

The great things about things that are different, is that
they are permitted to differ. C<while> and C<foreach> are
not synonyms. They have distinct characters.

To me, the concept of PRE_LAST makes sense in the context of
C<foreach>, and is easy to implement. In the case of a C<while>,
or C<loop> loop, the concept may still make sense: but the
details of the semantics need careful consideration. There's
a great danger of analysis-paralysis if we cogitate on the
difficult case. So perhaps we can first seek agreement on
the easy case.


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