From: "David Whipp" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> It it too much to ask, of the creator of a tied array, to implement
> their code in such a way that *reading* an element of that array
> does not have significant side-effects?

Actually, I think that *is* a significant imposition. The whole point of
tied arrays ( and hashes, scalars, etc) is that they act like arrays but
internally do whatever they want.

But.... could we go back a step?  Could somebody explain why we need
lookaheads, or perhaps what exactly a "lookahead" is in this context?  Part
of the current interface for tied arrays is that they know how long they
are.  It seems like it would be a relatively simply algorithm to say "if
there are still elements left in the array then populate the loop variable
with the next element and run the block.  Else, leave the variables as they
are, run the LAST block."


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