--- "Dyck, David" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > -----Original Message-----
> > From: Austin Hastings [mailto:austin_hastings@;yahoo.com] 
> > 
> > How do you write a < in a Windows based environment? (Other than by
> > copying them from Larry's emails or loading MSWord to do
> > insert->symbol)
> You could use the Character Map accessory to put
> the character into the clipboard, or
> press the alt and hold the alt key while typing 0171 (or 0187)
> < alt+0171
> > alt+0187

Well, that certainly flows fluidly from the fingertips...

^[op], you say?

Or I could finally figure out how to program the function keys on my
keyboard, I guess...

APL, here we come...


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