
On Thu, 31 Oct 2002 11:26:13  
 Brent Dax wrote:

>I can honestly say at this point that I'd rather give up <$iterator>
>than lose hyperops. 

I was thinking the same thing not long ago. But now 
that I think about it, is <operator> ever going to be 
confused for <$File_Handle>? The vector operation cosy 
up well to the concept of iteration anyway. Hell, if 
were desperate (and I think we are) then why not just 
double the brackets to <[op]> or [<op>]. Sure it's 
ugly, but I prefer it to ^[op] any day of the week, 
and it's not going to be ambiguous.

All that said, can anyone come up with a case to 
confuse <op> with <$File_Handle>?


 And I consider relegating them to the << >>
>digraphs losing them, because I'm never going to be able to remember how
>to type them, and neither will anybody else.
>Let's look at this logically.  Here's all the punctuation (non-\w)
>characters on my keyboard and what they do in Perl 6:
>       TERM                            OPERATOR                DOUBLE
>`      backticks                       none                    none
>'      string constants                none**          none
>"      string constants                none                    none
>#      comment                 comment         comment
>$      scalar sigil            none                    none
>@      array sigil                     none                    none
>%      hash sigil                      modulo          none
>&      sub sigil                       junction and**  logical and
>!      logical not                     none (?)                none
>^      complement                      junction xor**  logical xor**
>|      none                            junction or**   logical or
>/      regex                           divide          defined or (in
>*      list flatten*           multiply                exponent
>-      numify and negate               subtraction
>+      numify**                        addition
>~      stringify*                      concat**                smart
>=      none                            assignment
>\      get reference           none                    none
>..     method call**           method call**   range constructor
>?      force to bool*          none**          trinary operator
>,      none                            list composer   list composer
>;      none                            statement end   statement end
>(in parentheses)                       super-comma             none
>:      none                            super-comma             package
>separator, trinary operator
>( )    expression grouping     sub parameters  yuck
>{ }    hash composing          hash subscripts yuck
>       block composing         block composing yuck
>[ ]    array composing         array subscripts        yuck
>< >    iterator syntax         comparison ops  shift-left, shift-right
>UNUSED:        5                               8                       9
>Items marked with a * are new, ** are changed.  There are twenty-two
>'none's on that list, but none of them line up.  (Isn't Perl great?!?)
>';;' is available (it doesn't mean anything in either term or operator
>context), but it's really ugly.  The other possibilities I see there
>have the same problem.
>There are potentially some meaningless sequences, especially with
>sigils, but those'll look quite cluttered.  Actually, one of the few
>good meaningless ones is ^[op] (with the square brackets).  In term
>context it would normally mean "bitwise complement this array", and in
>operator context it would mean "add this array to an xor junction".  If
>we lose xor junctions (which I'm not necessarily advocating, mind you),
>this sequence is pretty much open.
>Damn.  Larry, I don't envy you your job.  :^)
>--Brent Dax <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>@roles=map {"Parrot $_"} qw(embedding regexen Configure)
>Wire telegraph is a kind of a very, very long cat. You pull his tail in
>New York and his head is meowing in Los Angeles. And radio operates
>exactly the same way. The only difference is that there is no cat.
>    --Albert Einstein (explaining radio)

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