> -----Original Message-----
> From: Damian Conway [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Wednesday, 10 March, 2004 09:48 PM
> Subject: Re: Mutating methods
> Brent "Dax" Royal-Gordon wrote:
> >>     / $foo:=(abc) $bar:=(def) /
> >
> > Am I misreading, or are you suggesting that $foo may contain
> 'abc' after
> > running this example, even if the match wasn't successful?
> No. I re-checked with Larry this morning and he confirmed that
> all bindings in
> rules only "stick" if the rule as a whole succeeds.
> What I was trying (obviously rather ineptly ;-) to point out is
> that we have
> to be able to differentiate between the the match object's own internal
> hypothetical variables ($?foo, $?bar, @?baz) and any
> external-but-temporarily-hypothesized variables ($foo, $bar, @baz).
> The syntax we've chosen to do that requires the use of "?" as a secondary
> sigil on internal variables. So, since named subrules that capture always
> capture to internal variables, it's natural and consistent to use "?" to
> indicate capturing subrules as well.

Isn't this backwards?

That is, from the above I get the impression that $?foo is TRANSIENT, while
capturing to $foo will (eventually) be PERMANENT.

So <?foo> is just a shorthand way of saying

   $?foo := <foo>


Is hypo-space a flat entity, or do hypothetical scopes nest? If so, do we
have to use repeated ?'s, or will just one suffice?

That is:

   rule bar {...}
   rule baz {...}
   rule foo {...bar...baz...}

   if / <?foo> ... <?baz> ... { $?foo.?baz ... $?baz } .../
   if / <?foo> ... <?baz> ... { $?foo.baz ... $?baz } .../
   if / <?foo> ... <?baz> ... { $?baz ... $?otherbaz } .../


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