On Sat, 13 Mar 2004 05.30, John Siracusa wrote:
> The only case that seems even
> remotely onerous is this one:
>     my My::Big::Class::Name $obj = My::Big::Class::Name.new();
>     vs.
>     my My::Big::Class::Name $obj .= new()

There's also the related issue of in-place operations on some 
difficult-to-write lvalue:

@{$coderef.("argument").{hashelem}} =
  sort @{$coderef.("argument").{hashelem}};

Did I get the text the same both times?  What about maintaining that code?  
What about side effects on the subroutine I called there?

Someone Damian-shaped will probably come in and point out how to prettify that 
using "given", but it still wouldn't be as short as last week's


Debbie Pickett

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