Yuval Kogman wrote:
Jonathan Lang wrote:
> Apparently, there are _four_ basic kinds of comparison: the ones
> mentioned above, and == (I believe that eq works enough like == that
> whatever can be said about one in relation to ===, =:=, or eqv can be
> said about the other).  I'd be quite interested in an expansion of
> David's example to demonstrate how == differs from the others.

        sub &infix:<==> ( Any $x, Any $y ) {
                +$x === +$y; # propagate coercion failure warnings to caller

        sub &infix:<eq> ( Any $x, Any $y ) {
                ~$x === ~$y

So the purpose of === is to provide a means of comparison that doesn't
implicitly coerce its arguments to a particular type?

Jonathan "Dataweaver" Lang

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