At 10:36 PM -0700 7/13/06, Jonathan Lang wrote:
So the purpose of === is to provide a means of comparison that doesn't
implicitly coerce its arguments to a particular type?

Yes, absolutely. The === takes 2 arguments exactly as they are, without changing anything, and says if they are two appearances of the same value. It would always return false if the 2 arguments are of different declared types. And if they are of the same types, then no coersion is necessary in order to compare them for equality.

Now, I didn't see them yet anywhere in Synopsis 3, but I strongly recommend having negated versions of all these various types of equality tests. Eg, !== for ===, nev for eqv, etc. They would be used very frequently, I believe (and I have even tried to do so), and of course we get the nice parity.

-- Darren Duncan

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