Gianni is basically right. rakudoc has not really been released yet into
the ecosystem, and p6doc will get you the documentation itself, which you
will have to build then. So LTA is true, and there's some work to be done.
There's probably an issue already created, but it will pop up if you create
another one, so please do raise the issue and focus it on the documentation
part if it does not.

We really encourage people to peruse the documentation online, though. If what you want is to check out the documentation
of installed modules... Well, as said above, work needs to be done.

El mar, 5 ene 2021 a las 14:10, Ralph Mellor (<>)

> I googled rakudoc and that led to:
> which says it's forked from:
> So I tried that in m.r.o and it's listed:
> So, perhaps you can zef install p6doc?
> Maybe the doc you read mentioning rakudoc
> is ahead of the situation in rakudo versions, or
> at least yours, as well as being ahead of the
> ecosystem?
> love, raiph


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