This is a request to the Raku Coordinating Council that was elected at the end of last year.

Please name a channel where community wide plans or announcements are made. Or may be establish one.

I found out yesterday by the intervention of a regular participant in the community that a new documentation website is being worked on.

I joined a conversation on the raku-dev IRC and discovered that the plans are quite far established. Since I have been working full-time for three months on a project that could (not should!!) serve as the infra-structure of a new site, I was really quite surprised and I am sure many of you will understand it was jarring.

I follow all the conversations on this email list. I have found it very difficult (due to my own technical incompetence relating to github) to set up my github preferences to get regular notification about issues. I have also found that the IRC chats are streams of consciousness that are difficult for me to manage.

It seems however, that it is my fault that I was taken by surpriseĀ  by the news of a different documentation website and that I should have been following all the issues on the documentation repo or the problem solving repo.

It *IS* reasonable for Raku developers and community organisers to make it the responsibility of a participant to follow conversations, but I would suggest that the current scattering of conversations, on the IRC chat, various github repositories, this email list, is not *optimal* for the development of a coherent Raku community. It is also - I would suggest - a waste of human resources if the same objectives are pursued by multiple enthusiasts without any coordination or communication.

If the Raku Council were to designate some channel, whether its an email list, an IRC chat, or a github repo, or maybe a discord or slack or other channel as the main community resource, then I would make sure I could read all the messages there and stay in touch with what is happening.

Hence my request to the Raku council to consider improving communication between developers and the wider Raku community.


Richard Hainsworth

aka finanalyst

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