Agreeing with everyone here, but want to emphasize working with your 
Operations department. Although your IPM program is new, you may have a 
pre-existing PM program to address the building exterior, public and office 
spaces, and any kitchen areas. Ask what they're doing, let them know how 
you're approaching the problem in collections areas, and try to build a 
team that communicates changes and needs. They might not even be aware of 
the particular sensitivity of museum objects, so it could be a learning 
experience for them as well to know how important their efforts are to the 
preservation of your collection!

Jennifer Sainato
New York City

On Friday, June 28, 2024 at 12:23:41 PM UTC-4 Josie Sneed-Gilliam wrote:

> Hello all, 
> Our museum staff has an understanding of IPM but the rest of the staff in 
> the complex and guests are not always held to that standard. I recently 
> took on responsibility for IPM at my institution and was asked for 
> recommendations to reduce the pests. I plan to include collaboration with 
> other departments and stricter expectations for our guests. Often, there is 
> a rather lax approach to allowing food and drink in and around the 
> galleries. There are also other concerns like the storage of old cardboard 
> and landscaping along exterior walls.  I'm worried about how to approach 
> these issues. In order to achieve actual change, I'm going to have to 
> disrupt many years of relaxed rules and bad habits. I was wondering if 
> anyone could speak to collaborating with departments effectively and 
> amicably when it comes to IPM implementation. I would appreciate any 
> advice. Thanks very much. 
> Josie Sneed-Gilliam 

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