> adrian.kla...@aklaver.com wrote:
>> karsten.hilb...@gmx.net:
>>> adrian.kla...@aklaver.com wrote:
>>>> b...@yugabyte.com
>>>> Thanks to all who offered their views on my question. It seems that 
>>>> different people will reach different conclusions. I’ll take this as 
>>>> permission to reach my own conclusion.
>>> Not sure why you think you need permission to take whatever action you 
>>> desire on a database whose only usage stipulation is that you maintain a 
>>> copy of the license.
>> Adrian, I think Bryn's speaking metaphorically there.
> It is hard to tell with him. He makes much of his Oracle background and I 
> think misses an overlord that lays down the rules.

I didn’t mean to speak metaphorically. But I made a bad word choice when I used 
“permission”. A couple of turns back, David Johnston wrote this:

> there is no good blanket recommendation to give to someone else as to how 
> their [security] policy should be written.  Security, especially of this 
> sort, needs to be architected.

And some time ago, in a different thread, he wrote this:

> You only need superuser once to configure the system in such a way, through 
> role and grants and possibly default permissions, that from then on most 
> everything an application user would want to do can be done by the role(s) 
> you have created.

That second quote reads like a recommendation—which puts it at odds with the 
first quote. (But doubtless I’m reading it wrongly.)

Then there’s this (from the doc):

> It is good practice to create a role that has the CREATEDB and CREATEROLE 
> privileges, but is not a superuser, and then use this role for all routine 
> management of databases and roles. This approach avoids the dangers of 
> operating as a superuser for tasks that do not really require it.

That, too, reads like a recommendation that intends to inform a security 
policy. But, I suppose, one could argue that saying something “is good 
practice” is very different from making a recommendation.

Consider this wording. It also uses “good practice”.

It is good practice to limit the number of superuser roles that exist in a 
cluster to exactly one: the inevitable bootstrap superuser. This recognizes the 
fact that, once the initial configuration of a cluster has been done 
immediately after its creation (which configuration is done while still in 
self-imposed single-user mode), there are then very few, and infrequent, tasks 
that require the power of the superuser role.

Nobody supports it!

I’m puzzled why the good practice statement about a role with the CREATEDB and 
CREATEROLE attributes earns a place in the doc while nobody at all is prepared 
to make a practice statement about how many superusers is good. I’d like very 
much to understand the critical parts that I’m missing of the essential mental 
model in this general space.

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