On 11/21/22 11:46, Bryn Llewellyn wrote:

Nobody supports it!

I went back through the thread and don't anywhere when you made the above statement, correct me if I am wrong. In that case there was nothing to support or not support until now. What people where responding to the title of the thread:

"Seeking practice recommendation: is there ever a use case to have two or more superusers?"

That is a different ask.

I didn't mean to say that I'd already written the sentence that starts "It is good practice to limit the number of superuser roles that exist in a cluster...". Sorry if I gave that impression. It was just a strawman version of what I practice recommendation might look like that used the same general wording style as the one about "a role that has the CREATEDB and CREATEROLE".

Still, why the "Nobody supports it!" statement for a recommendation that only appeared at the same time? I for one have a poor record of mind reading and/or predicting the future:)

Adrian Klaver

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