On 22 Nov 2022, at 10:05, Bryn Llewellyn wrote:

> Because PG allows a cluster to have as many superusers as you please, and 
> because any one of these can create or drop another, any convention in this 
> space needs some extra mechanisms to enforce it..
> …  effectively tamper-proof implementation of the scheme …
Somewhat interesting thread so far but seems to be asking more than one 
question —
Q1. Is there ever a use case to have two or more superusers? Answer: Yes, but 
entirely depending on the use case.
Q2. [IMPLIED] How to make the database tamper-proof since at least one 
superuser is unavoidable? Answer: Not possible, ever — see below.

It is best to consider a database security system’s design objectives to be 
tamper proof from the outside (ie., general client access perspective), and 
tamper evident from within the database. As far as the server is concerned one 
person’s superuser tampering is another person’s maintenance. There is no way 
to configure login credentials to prevent malicious or mistaken changes when 
you need to have the occasional superuser role that can repair a serious fault 
or process a system upgrade. If an upgrade or repair can be anticipated it 
should already be done, the superuser is needed for the things that were not 
expected or too complex to pre-automate.

AFAICT minimal tamper evident criteria will include logs being kept of changes 
made and these on a system the database superuser cannot change. At worst the 
logs will still have recorded when they were turned off. And the logs should 
have recorded the credentials used to assume the superuser role. After that it 
is basic business management — was the person acting badly, were the 
credentials stolen, what damage was done, and are the backups useful?

The full security analysis is complex and searches around “threat landscape” 
will help widen the perspective. The question becomes one of identifying what 
is possible to prevent, what can only be mitigated, and what can only be 
repaired after the fact. Database security is a lot more complicated than just 
trying to restrict the superuser role.

Gavan Schneider
Gavan Schneider, Sodwalls, NSW, Australia
Explanations exist; they have existed for all time; there is always a 
well-known solution to every human problem — neat, plausible, and wrong.
— H. L. Mencken, 1920

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