On 8/24/07, Dave Page <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Alban Hertroys wrote:
> > So actually the remark shouldn't be that "the multi-threaded
> > architecture is only advantageous  on Windows", but more like "the
> > multi-process architecture is disadvantageous on Windows and hence a
> > multi-threaded architecture is preferred (on that particular OS)".
> Yeah - but I'm not sure thats necessarily something that should have a
> place on a bullet point comparison.

You solve it by letting the category be labeled "Process/thread
architecture", and letting the columns say "Thread-based" for Firebird
and "Process-based" for PostgreSQL respectively.

Then add a footnote about this row that explains the difference and
how they behave on the different operating systems.

PostgreSQL clearly is at a slight disadvantage on Windows, so this is
relevant, at least to Tony's Delphi-user demographic.


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