On Tue, Nov 11, 2003 at 04:03:44PM -0800, Rich Shepard wrote:
> On Tue, 11 Nov 2003, Adam Haberlach wrote:
> >     On that note, does anyone have suggestions for which version of the
> > server I should run?  I see that there are seperate binary RPMS for
> > different Linux versions, but nothing for version 3 -- should I spend some
> > time doing a full install, building, and contributing one, or is this not
> > necessary?
> Adam,
>   While I still have a couple of Red Hat 7.3 boxes, I'm migrating to
> Slackware. I have found that I have much better results by building
> PostgreSQL from source than installing from rpms. It doesn't take much time
> and it has always worked for me, faster and with less hassle than trying to
> upgrade via the packages.

        Well, we've got 50 or so customer boxes that we need to upgrade, so we
need the package management.  I used to build my own from source, too,
and still do on my Solaris box, but I like being able to add and remove
things reliable.  But to each their own.

Adam Haberlach         |  "We spent the 90's all trying to figure out
[EMAIL PROTECTED]   |  how to get email and the 00's trying to
http://mediariffic.com |  figure out how to not get email."
                       |             -- Joe Gross

---------------------------(end of broadcast)---------------------------
TIP 7: don't forget to increase your free space map settings

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