

Well, in the *general* case, I think if we're going to have "first class" pgfoundry projects, then having a unified "official" Kitchen Sink Package will all of these add-ins becomes an imperative priority for 8.4. EDB's recent open sourcing of their installer might help with this.

Futher, we would need to come up with some organized way to subject pgFoundry projects to the same level of general scrutiny which core code gets. Or at least close.

In the specific cases of pl/proxy and citext, they are very much in line with what we already package with the core code, including things like dblink, ISN, and CIDR. citext in particular would eliminate a long-time newbie complaint about Postgres, but not if it's in an add-in package which the user can't find binaries for.

So I would argue "maybe" on pl/proxy, but that citext does belong in core.

--Josh Berkus

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