Tom Lane wrote:
The current commitfest queue has two entries that propose to migrate
existing pgfoundry projects (or improved versions thereof) into our
core distribution.  The more I think about this the less happy I am
with it.  From a maintenance point of view there seems little need
for either project to get integrated: they don't appear to have much
of any code that is tightly tied to backend innards.  From a features
point of view, yeah they're cool, but there are scads of cool things
out there.  From a project-management point of view, it's insanity
to set a presumption that pgfoundry is just a proving ground for code
that should eventually get into core once it's mature enough or popular
enough or whatever.

I think there is a case to say that modules that are sufficiently popular have a case to be in core.

That's not necessarily a large number, but there might well be a case for citext at least to be among the number at some stage. Surely a case insensitive text type has more general use than, say, the seg module.

 We *have to* encourage the development of a cloud
of subprojects around the core, or core will eventually collapse of
its own weight.  We have not got the manpower to deal with an
ever-inflating collection of allegedly "core" code.  If anything,
we ought to be working to push more stuff out of the core distro so
that we can focus on the functionality that has to be there.

When we can get the much discussed module infrastructure that will make more sense. We will still need to keep enough modules to make sure that the infrastructure is working. In general I feel that the number of modules we have in core is about right. Maybe a small number should be pushed out.

So my feeling is that we should not accept either of these patches.

Now, there is some value in submitting the code for review --- certainly
citext is a whole lot better than it was a few weeks ago.  I think it
would be a good idea to be open to reviewing pgfoundry code with the
same standards we'd use if we were going to integrate it.  Perhaps
commitfest is not the right venue for that, though, if only because
of the possibility of confusion over what's supposed to happen.



If we don't have enough resources to maintain them do we have enough to review 

I was going to write some stuff about citext anyway. Quite apart from the above considerations I'm still a bit concerned about its performance characteristics. And I'm not sure we really want all the baggage that David is proposing to bring along with it. Is it an advance to force the regex_replace "i" flag for such a type? I can imagine cases where I might want it to sort insensitively, but be able to do case sensitive regex ops on it. It's not as if the user can't supply the flag. So right now I don't think citext should be included, because there are still issues to sort out, if for no other reason.



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