
Reacting somewhat late, but maybe not too late?

Le 11 avr. 09 à 17:13, Tom Lane a écrit :
My own take on it is that actually I'd prefer one command for all of
these.  If I say "\df sum" it would be good if the output included the
sum() aggregates; the reason being that I might be wondering if I can
create a plain function named sum. If I have to check not only \df and
\da but also \dw for conflicts, that's going to be a real PITA.
If we were designing in a green field I think you could make a real
strong case for a single \df command with an output column "type" having
the alternatives regular, aggregate, window, and maybe trigger.

It seems this proposal got a consensus vote, and I'd like to add to it: what about having specialized \df views, per type, with an additional qualifier:

 \dfa  list aggregate functions
 \dfw  list window functions (and aggregates?)
 \dft  list trigger functions
 ...   you get the idea

Nothing fundamentally new, just some more convenience to support for users wanting to list functions of a given known type: it allows not to have to \set ECHO_HIDDEN, \df, copy/paste/adapt where/launch again.


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