Joseph Adams <> writes:
> Here's a thought:  suppose we did use the foo (name => value) syntax
> for naming parameters.  It could still be used in a very similar way
> for hstore:

> hstore(key1 => 'value1', key2 => 'value2')

No, that really isn't going to work: how will the parser know that the
names are not meant to match to actual named parameters of the function?
You could possibly do it with a special case for hstore() in the
grammar, but we aren't going there, because it wouldn't be extensible.

The other variant with 'key1' => 'value1' isn't a lot better.  Yes,
we could make it work since it can't possibly be name => value, but
it would be impossibly error-prone for people to use.  The assumption
that you can always replace a constant by a variable is very deeply
wired into users' thinking, but doing so would make for a radical change
in what the syntax meant.

>From a usability point of view, if we adopt the spec's syntax we have to
stop allowing => for any other purpose.  Period.

                        regards, tom lane

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