On Mar 3, 2011, at 10:22 AM, Robert Haas wrote:

> Requires: package
> Requires: package >= minversion
> Requires: package <= maxversion
> Requires: package = exactversion
> The usefulness of the first two should be obvious, but the third and
> fourth are needed as well.

In the long term, perhaps. But for right now, just >= would address 90% of the 
problem. That's all CPAN modules have, and while it's occasionally annoying, 
it's *very* occasionally.

> I think it's important that we don't get too confident that we've
> solved this problem in its full generality.  I very much doubt that
> that's the case.

Who said anything about full generality? I'm interested in a 90% (or even 99%) 

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