"David E. Wheeler" <da...@kineticode.com> writes:
> On Mar 3, 2011, at 10:54 AM, Tom Lane wrote:
>> I basically agree with Robert that "requires = 9.1" is entirely useless.

> I'm saying that

>     core_requires = 9.1.0, libxml, plpgsql

> Means >= 9.1.0.

That's not a design, that's just a very arbitrary kluge.  And it doesn't
solve anything at all that we need to solve today, because you can
already assume that you're running on >= 9.1 just by the fact that
you're writing an extension.  Having a solution for this in time for
9.2 will be plenty soon enough.

BTW, I don't see any good reason to distinguish "core" requires from
non-core.  If anything, the spirit of an extension proposal should be
trying to reduce the distinction between "core" stuff and "not-core"
stuff, since part of the point of extensions is that features might
migrate across that boundary.

                        regards, tom lane

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