On Mar 3, 2011, at 10:54 AM, Tom Lane wrote:

>> Which is why my suggestion is pretty much free from any design. Just a list 
>> of dependencies, with only a server version number. No other syntax at all. 
>> It can be added later.
> I basically agree with Robert that "requires = 9.1" is entirely useless.
> There's next to no scenario where an extension author wouldn't really
> be wanting to write "requires >= 9.1" instead.  And to do that, we have
> to solve the whole version-number-comparison problem that we worked so
> hard to dodge before.  So this all looks to me like something that needs
> considerably more thought than we can devote to it for 9.1.

I'm saying that

    core_requires = 9.1.0, libxml, plpgsql

Means >= 9.1.0. That = is an assignment operator, not comparison. And this is 
the *only* version number I'd specify, the core version number, of which the 
core has perfect control of how things are compared (pg_version()).



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